In general, dogs are the most kind, understanding, and giving furry animals. They’re not one to deny anybody in need, no matter how much effort it takes on their part.

On the flip side, they sometimes snap when their limits are tested. It’s a normal occurrence, but it’s still funny to witness one.

Take this black and white doggo who just about had it with its nosy gold and black feline pal. They were all chilling on the couch with dad when this kitty decided it wanted more of dad’s lap.

Since the dog was situated nearest to dad, it had an idea of what the cat wanted to happen. The tabby began sniffing on the dog’s nape and ears, and the canine didn’t like it.

At first, the dog just ignored the multi-colored tabby’s actions. It was content to chill beside dad’s lap, along with another black and white kitty.

Unfortunately, the dog soon reached its breaking point when the pesky tabby wouldn’t stop its actions. Meanwhile, dad just smiled and looked at the camera, not knowing that something was about to go down.

Suddenly, the doggo quickly snapped its head back, hitting the tabby on its side. The action effectively removed the cat from dad’s lap because the kitty got startled and jumped away.

Dad could only say a colorful expletive we won’t print, but it was enough to summarize his surprise. After all, these furry babies were his pets in the house, and he never expected that to happen.

Can we just say that animals have their breaking points too, and it would do us good to respect their space. The tabby sure learned its lesson in quick fashion, and we bet there’d be no more of that in the future.

You did well for standing your ground and letting everyone know that you wouldn’t tolerate such behaviors, doggo. Just go easy on the tabby next time, hear?

Credits to RM Videos via YouTube


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