N’Kyiah Stephens and her mom, Lori Payne, had the shock of their lives when they visited a local shelter. They went there to volunteer when they saw a dog that they have long been looking for. It was an amazing coincidence that led to a highly emotional reunion.


According to the mother and daughter, their pit bull, Oreo was stolen from their yard around December.

They discovered that he was missing when they got home after doing some errands. They called out to Oreo and were surprised when the dog did not reply. Usually, their beloved pet would start barking excitedly when they return home. When they went and checked on him, they saw that his lead was cut.

dog, rottweiler, pitbull

The two became frantic and started looking around, they contacted friends and began searching. They did everything that they could, but the dog was nowhere to be found.

N’Kyiah was scared for Oreo. She said that because their pup was a pit bull, she was frightened of what could happen to him. Someone might use him in dogfighting.

Months passed, and despite their continued search, Oreo hasn’t been found and returned.

Happy coincidence

N’Kyiah, who is 19, wants to be a veterinarian. Because she has no more pets, she decided to volunteer her time at a local shelter. Together with her mom, they went to the shelter and signed up. While there, they looked at the photos of the dogs under the shelter’s care.

A picture of a dog named Max stopped them in their tracks. He looked very similar to their stolen dog.

They asked the staff if they could see Max and sure enough, it was Oreo. The mother and daughter were beyond happy. They couldn’t stop hugging their dog. Oreo missed them so much too, and he kept licking their faces.

As it turned out, he was brought to the shelter five months before when he was found as a stray.

it was a very joyous day for everyone and the family went home with the best story ever.

Source: WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7 via Youtube


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