Local rescuers Katie McKittrick and Alex Babcock met with Good Samaritan Rafael Ramirez in a nearby industrial area. Rafael told both women he saw an abandoned dog in the complex’s parking lot. Not wanting to risk the animal running away, Rafael immediately asked for help from expert rescuers like Katie and Alex instead of securing the dog alone.

The rescuers found Rafael waiting patiently for them when they arrived at the location. The Good Samaritan watched over the dog but kept his distance simultaneously. He didn’t want to spook the animal since it sat quietly near the parking lot’s exit.
Cheeseburger in hand, Katie carefully approached the small dog. Thankfully, the animal didn’t try to get away. In no time, the rescuer looped it in with a Lucky Leash.

Rafael then helped both women secure the dog in a crate and prepare it for transport. They decided to name the male animal Gizmo since it reminded them of the titular character in Gremlins. Katie and Alex thanked Rafael for help before driving Gizmo to the local animal hospital.

Both women took turns in pampering Gizmo once they arrived at the clinic. Katie gave the dog some more food since it still looked hungry. Afterward, both she and Alex gave Gizmo a much-needed and well-deserved bath.

Katie and Alex noticed something odd about Gizmo after his bath, though. The dog kept trying to bite its tail. The rescuers asked veterinarian Dr. Gabriella Levy to examine the animal to ease their worries.

Dr. Levy found out that Gizmo needed surgery on a broken bone near the end of his tail. The doctor successfully patched the dog up. In time, Gizmo recovered fully and eventually received a clean bill of health.

Local foster home Much Love Animal Rescue took Gizmo in while he waited for his new foster parents. The dog recovered his joyful nature during his time as a foster. Soon enough, Gizmo found more reasons to be happy as he officially became part of his forever family.

Credits: Hope For Paws


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