When a Finnish man noticed a stray dog in the woods in freezing conditions, he decided to rescue her. The man went into the woods in search of the dog and found a den. Later, nine shivering puppies were rescued from the spot.

The unnamed good Samaritan had seen the dog many times in his town before. The pooch used to wander near the edge of the forest during late summer. When winter came, the man saw the dog again near the woods, but this time, the dog had swollen teats, which indicated that she had recently given birth to a litter of puppies.

As the temperatures were extremely low, the man realized that the dog might not be able to survive in the cold. The good Samaritan asked the neighborhood about the dog, but no one recognized her or knew where she came from. The man didn’t want to let the situation become worse, so he took some food and went into the woods looking for the dog.

The dog’s paw marks led the man to a den, and he contacted the local animal rescue named Tassutarah and told them about the situation. When the rescue team arrived, they found nine pups living in the den.

The rescuers managed to get the dogs out safely after a few hours. The rescuers told the Finnish newspaper, Ittalehti, that the pups had spent their first few weeks in the den, and they had never seen people before.

The puppies were 6 to 8 weeks old. The veterinarians told reporters that the pups had parasites, but their overall condition was good. The most amazing thing in the whole story was that the canine mother somehow successfully managed to keep her puppies alive even at such low temperatures.

When the news of the puppies got on social media, the rescue organization received many emails from dog-lovers willing to adopt the pups. The organization will put the puppies up for adoption once they are dewormed, vaccinated and socialized.

Image source: Tassutarha via Dogheirs


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