Forrest loves shoulder scratching a little more than other dogs. Unfortunately, the young dog can’t do it anymore by himself because of an injury. Forrest suffered a broken spine, which could be from a car crash or being thrown out of a moving car, according to Sahler.
The dog is under Jennifer’s foster care at Dispatch Dogs.

Forrest’s first sight

Sahler found Forrest along the highway, dragging his body down on the gravel. After getting closer to him, he discovered that the dog had spent some days there because part of his back had a severe infection.
Sahler took Forrest to the Pet Rescuer Organization for treatment. The veterinarians fixed Forrest’s spine and chopped his tail off in the process. The surgery went successfully, but Forrest now requires a caregiver and a walking aid.

The puppy’s recovery process

The Dispatch Dogs department monitors Forrest’s health progress at Healing Hearts Rescue in Minnesota. Even though Forrest used only his front legs to walk, he is now strong, active, and full of self-confidence every time he uses wheels for his rear legs to walk around.

Although Forrest drags around in his wheelchair or drag bag, he is happy and enjoys socializing. But with the injury, the dog cannot go for a call of nature. Instead, he must be in diapers, and as well, he needs assistance when going up and down the stairs. Thus, Forrest should always be supported in all cases.

Hoping for a forever home

Sahler is optimistic that she will get a caregiver who will cherish Forrest and make him feel comfortable throughout his life.

Furthermore, Sahler said that Forrest is just like the other dogs, although he needs different care due to his situation.

Forrest needs a forever-loving and comfortable home.
Watch a video of the puppy below.

Source: Youtube/WCCO – CBS Minnesota


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