Flammaros (CC0), Pixabay

The United States and Europe are not the sole origins of beautiful and inspiring canine tales. You can also read incredible stories about dogs from other countries, such as the Philippines. This is one of those stories.

Rosa, a native dog in Cebu, Philippines, won the heart of a Spanish man who resided there for several months.

Rosa has been spotted roaming the streets close to Southwestern University. Unfortunately, nobody pays her much attention.

However, a Spanish man spotted Rosa, and he saw that the dog was thin, hungry, and possibly also lonely. The stranger also observed that something was off with Rosa. He saw that she had health issues.

The man attempted to give Rosa some leftovers one day. Rosa fled because she was not accustomed to human attention. But after seeing that the foreigner was harmless, she ultimately approached him and ate the food.

Unfortunately, Rosa’s hunger caused her to choke on a bone. The man was now concerned that he had killed this lonely, starving dog. Rosa eventually vomited the bone that had obstructed her airway. Relieved and wanting to make up for what happened, the foreigner decided to feed Rosa daily from then on.

The stranger developed such an attachment to Rosa that he considered rescuing her from the streets. But since he was only in Cebu temporarily prevented him from doing so.

He started thinking about finding someone who could assist Rosa with her illness. That was when he met Dan, a Swiss national who is MARO’s (Mayari Animal Rescue Association) leader. Every day, Dan was observed riding a motorcycle while carrying a suitcase with animal medications and food. He also saves animals in the direst circumstances and takes them to his house.

Sadly, Dan’s area at home is not big enough to save all the animals on the streets. Dan lacked sufficient space to save Rosa at that time. While he waited for a spot to open up in his home so he could care for Rosa, he could only provide her with daily medication and food.

With his care, Rosa improved. Nevertheless, she still required medical treatment. The Spaniard discovered that Rosa had pyometra, a life-threatening illness that required treatment.

After the operation, Dan was able to accommodate Rosa in his home. Due to Rosa’s age, there is a likelihood that she will not be adopted immediately.

Now that he has returned to Spain, the foreigner remains in constant contact with Dan and receives reports on Rosa.

Source: Xuancar Navarro


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