Losing a pet is an unfortunate event that makes us wish to have the ability to turn back time. Debi Vazquez, the dog mom of Rocky, Cookie, and King, knows exactly how this feels.

In 2014, Debi decided to let her three fur babies out in her fully fenced backyard. Just like any typical day, she’d let them relieve themselves for an hour or two.

A few moments passed, she decided that it was time to get back inside and rest. As the dogs went inside the house, she noticed that there were only two of them. It was only Rocky and Cookie, who recently died, that came in from the back yard. So she went out to the backyard and looked for King.

It took her a while to realize she had lost her pup. Debi was getting desperate as the hours went by without hearing any signs of King. Hours become days, days became weeks, and weeks become months. Still, there were no signs of King.

Fliers were hanged, and local shelters and vet hospitals visited. Debi was determined to find his beloved King.

Looking at the length of time since the dog had gone missing, it seems to be the end of King’s story. But on Sunday in October this year, a woman surrendered a dog to the Humane Society of Broward County.

The woman is already incapable of taking care of her senior Chihuahua mix dog due to her declining health. She also told the staff in the shelter how she got her dog six months ago.

As standard protocol, the dog was scanned for a microchip. Luckily, they found one. They immediately contacted the company listed on the microchip to get some information about the dog.

The staff learned that the dog’s name was King. He was reported missing in Texas about six years ago.

On the same day, Debi received a voice mail from an unknown number. Since it’s her birthday, she thought it’s just someone who wants to wish her a happy birthday.

Oblivious to what she’s about to hear, Debi picked up her phone and was shocked to learn about the best news of her life. It was a staff at the shelter where King was surrendered.

Right away, Debi scheduled a 1,360-mile road trip to get her long lost pup. After six long years, Debi and King finally reunited.

Source Humane Society of Broward Couty via YouTube


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