In life, to be wealthy isn’t only about money or property – it can also be about kindness and love. There is a couple who earns a little income, but through compassion, they can still manage to raise many dogs in their family.

Couple’s love for dogs

The couple, Thean and Chan, shelter dogs and protect them from unfavorable weather conditions such as rain. Today they have over 120 dogs, four of them disabled under their care.

The two started by sheltering 20 stray dogs five years ago at Ipoh. The dogs loved being around Thean whenever he did his carpentry job.

The couple moved from Ipoh to Rawang with 40 dogs and rented a one-bedroomed house for themselves, but made temporary shelters for the furry dogs.

Afterward, the couple built more shelters to accommodate more dogs and cemented the floor for the dogs’ safety.

The couple hard struggles

The dogs faced some challenges like centipede bites during the rainy season. The insects hid in the bushy sandy-grassland grounds.

Besides, sickness also became a challenge because the couple couldn’t manage to cover the dogs’ medical bills. Luckily, some well-wishers helped to clear the medical bills. Other volunteers also sacrificed their time to bathe the dogs.

Although the couple had insufficient funds, they went the extra mile to bake for the dogs occasionally. The couple fed the dogs with bread leftovers borrowed from bakeries since they couldn’t manage to provide them with dog’s food, rice, or meat.

The couple also used locally available materials to feed the dogs. They cooked for them plain porridge mixed with eggs.

Chan’s husband loves dogs since when he was a child, and that’s why he felt pity for the abandoned dogs. Anytime he receives an SOS call to rescue any stranded dog, he acts immediately.

He also took in a blind and deaf dog from the veterinary clinic. Unfortunately, one died from a deadly virus called canine parvovirus (CPV), but the other one is still alive.

Adopting a dog

A four-year-old dog, abandoned at Mamak, suffered mistreatment from a hawker who splashed water on him as well as threatening him with a stick, but he is now safe in the couple’s home.

It is a happy ending for the stray dogs after coming to the shelter.

Source: Facebook/Puppy’s Loving Home


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