House training your dog helps in making your dog a good companion at home – not only for you but everyone living and visiting you. While it may be perceived as true work, it actually doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, you can chunk it down to 5 minutes in several times a day – sort of a pastime for you between scheduled tasks. This will also work for your dog as – depending on its breed – loves to grab a lot of sleep between activities. Another thing it loves is eating so now you have the appropriate hints on how to make your dog follow your teachings.

One of the most important commands you need to instill on your dog is the ‘come’ command. This is a powerful command that can actually save a life, specifically your dog’s. it can help in preventing your furry friend from running away whenever it gets loose.

1.Prepare the dog for. Train indoors like fenced yard to prevent distraction and choose a 6-foot leash to keep your dog’s attention.

2.Draw attention. Use happy, high-pitched voices to get its attention to you. Use treats or food stuffed toys if you need to.

3.Praise your dog. Use a clicker and give him happy praises or treat when it obeys your commands.

4.Use verbal command to associate a behavior. When you realize your dog is beginning to learn the ‘come’ command, use its verbal command. If the dog responds positively, reinforce the command with a praise like “good” and/or “good come!”

5.Start moving the training to public areas. People and other public places can provide a number of distraction to your dog. Still, you need to reinforce the training as the command can save your dog’s life. Do this in the middle of distraction to ensure it can still respond even in places where there are a lot of sights, sounds, and even smells to catch its attention.

6.Invest on a longer leash. Work your way up from a 6-foot leash to give your dog more freedom as it gains your trust.

7.Get someone to work with you on off-the-leash training. Get a friend or family to take turns with you in calling your dog to come to each of you. Soon as he starts responding, remove the leash and see him grow his confidence and recognize the ‘come’ command.

8.Give treats and rewards. Dogs love to eat and play so give it rewards or treats that are associated with these things.

9.Do not associate a negative thing to your command. Never use anger to reinforce the “come” command. Even if it slipped off the leash or ran around free for the last five whole minutes, always praise it when your furry friend finally responds to your commands. It will remember what it did last that deserved the praises or even treat, so if you are angry then it will remember that its obedience caused the anger.


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